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Sunday, May 13, 2012

The Sims 3 Ambitions

"Imagine a world where you can make your Sim anything they want to be. Widen your Sim's horizons with a bunch of killer career opportunities. With The Sims 3: Ambitions, decide whether your Sim will be the brave town hero, cause loads of mischief among their neighbors, or give some style advice. Make your Sim save the day as a brave firefighter, change your town as a leading architect, or live on the edge as a tattoo artist. Will your Sim find success as a billionaire high-tech inventor or eke out a living as a bumbling mad scientist? Will they uncover secrets as a private investigator by dusting for prints or roughing up a suspect for information? Will they walk the runways as a fashion diva with exhilarating and swanky style? Their future is entirely in your hands!"


For the first time ever, you control your Sim’s actions and interactions while they’re on the job.
Be a hero or mess with the neighbors as a firefighter, private investigator, doctor, ghost hunter, and more!
Choose how your Sim’s career progresses—will they work for good or evil, pursue creative endeavors, rise to success as a mogul, or shirk responsibility as a slacker?
Your Sim’s on-the-job choices now change their town and affect other Sims as well. Modify the town’s structure as an architect or set neighborhood fashions as a stylist.
Enjoy all-new skills and activities! Master the arts of inventing, sculpting, and tattooing, and use your skills to earn Simoleons.

Install :
Setelah Mount dengan DaemonTools, double click autorun.exe
Copy Serial Number


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